Recipes from Rethink

At Rethink Food, we're on a mission to build a more sustainable and equitable food system - and a major part of this is minimizing our personal food waste. Our team at the Rethink Food commissary kitchen converts excess and/or donated food that would otherwise go to waste into 9,000 delicious meals a week for our neighbors facing food insecurity.

Always looking at ways to create new practical models and extend the use and shelf life of donated and excess food we receive, our commissary kitchen is also converting thousands of pounds of excess food and vegetables into jams, sauces, soups, and purees. These are nourishing, chef-quality products that community and nonprofit organizations can order for free online to stock their pantries or utilize in their meal preparation—saving money and time in their production schedule.

You can make a difference by reducing your personal food waste. In this video, Chef Tracy is sharing his best preservation technique for overripe bananas - a simple banana bread! 

Don’t have any ripe bananas on hand? Don’t worry, our commissary kitchen team has some other recipes that you can use to use your leftover fruits and vegetables!


Did you know that you can make pesto from leftover greens, such as kale, cilantro, basil, parsley, or arugula?

Pesto can turn any dish into a delicious, nutrient-dense meal and be added to a sandwich, pizza, pasta, or salad.


  • 2 cups of greens

  • 1/2 cup of olive oil, nuts and garlic

  • Fresh lemon juice

  • A pinch of salt, and black pepper


Put all ingredients into a food processor or pestle and mortar. Blend/mix until smooth.


Fruit compote goes great on just about anything. You can put the compote on top of your pancakes or waffles in the morning, on top of your favorite ice cream or cake for dessert. Berries make the best compote, but you can really use any fruit you have on hand.


  • Any type of fruit

  • 1 cup sugar

  • A squeeze of lemon juice

  • A dash of salt


Bring ingredients to a boil on medium-high heat for about 5 minutes stirring occasionally. If you want the compote to not be as chunky, turn the heat down and use a masher to smooth it out. Once it is at your preferred consistency and sweetness, take it off the stove, let it cool and enjoy.


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